Business Development Associate

Reports to

Managing Director


The Sales Director works with the Marketing Director to develop and execute sales strategy. In addition to working with the sales team, the Director will be responsible for meeting the annual sales targets for the firm.


  • Design strategic sales plans, modifying as appropriate
  • Develop sales objectives – weekly, monthly and quarterly
  • Create and implement detailed sales reports
  • Provide competitor research, costs, and supply and demand
  • Estimate sales volume and profit for new clients/projects
  • Create a training program for new sales team members
  • Provide excellent customer service to new clients to build loyalty and to stay on top of their business needs and goals. Ensure that August Brown is meeting those needs.


  • Prior successful sales experience meeting and exceeding targeted goals
  • In-depth knowledge of sales techniques
  • Excellent negotiation and leadership skills
  • Outstanding written and verbal communication skills
  • Ability to work under tight deadlines, managing multiple projects simultaneously
  • Ability to work strongly as a team with members of other areas


  • Bachelor’s degree in marketing of business administration required
  • Master’s degree in a related field preferred


  • Part-time: $29/hr - $45/hr
  • Full time: Salary negotiable

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